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Solutions in the field of information technology and television
Complete solutions of data and television distribution in hotels.
The solutions of computational and data clusters with high availability.
Management and supervision of computer networks and computer technology.
The solutions of computer networks cabling.
The solutions of IPTV broadcasting.

How can we help you?

Select your profile
Internet service provider To Internet service providers we offer IPTV solutions, design, supervision and management of computer networks, solutions of servers and clusters with high availability, web presentations and applications. More information » Hotel For hotels, hospitals, schools, spa houses and similar equipment we offer solutions of television distribution, telephony and Internet connection throughout the building, supervision and management of computer networks and computer technologies and other services. More information » Office To office workplaces, we offer solutions for internet telephony, management of information technologies, supervision and administration of computer networks, data backup solutions and storage, servers and clusters with high availability, backup power supllies, software for work groups. More information »
© 2024 B3B – Náměstí Přemyslovců 166, 288 02 Nymburk, Czech Republic  –  phone.: ,   e-mail: